Opening my shop on Bonanza has opened my eyes to a whole new method of selling on-line. The sellers on Bonanza are extremely aggressive with social networking. I didn't realize how much they like to Tweet, Blog, and Chat with each other and their fans. I have quickly grown to like the social atmosphere. Everyone on Bonanza has been friendly and helpful. It lessens the boredom of listing items when you have someone to chat with while your working.
Bonanza makes selling FUN. They use Live Chat, Forums, Hand Picked Collections, Selling Games, and Rush Events to knit a community. Selling on Bonanza is engaging and interactive. Where eBay is just a place to simply sell your stuff; Bonanza is a place to make friends AND sell your stuff.
I feel like I have been living in the dark ages with eBay. While they didn't completely discourage social networking, they didn't entirely support it either. Looking at the rapidly growing popularity of Twitter, and FaceBook, I think this was a mistake.
Unfortunately, eBay gets more traffic than Bonanza does. I will continue to keep my eBay shop open, but I will have duplicate listings in my Bonanza shop. A lot of Bonanza sellers are doing the same thing. So please, if you find something you like on eBay - check Bonanza before you buy. Many sellers new to Bonanza are passing the selling fee discounts they get from Bonanza on to their customers. You may just get a better deal.
In an effort not to be left behind, I'm setting up FaceBook and Twitter accounts related to my eBay and Bonanza shops. Please feel free to stop by and "Like" me or just browse the community on Bonanza. You might like what you find.
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